Vera Bradley will be releasing their new line on QVC again this season. I love watching the QVC segments because a rep from Vera Bradley goes on and tells you all about the features of each bag and some behind the scenes stories. You will get to see the actual sizes of the bags as well as features such as pockets, hardware and zippers. They also have great prices. I am hoping that they get more Get Carried Away Totes because they sell them for $71 and they normally retail for $88. Don't forget, you can use ebates to get cash back if you make your purchases from or from
I bought the Simply Violet travel set from QVC about a year ago. It included a Trip Kit and Curling Iron Cover.

I bought the Barcelona Squared Away and the Side by Side Hello Dahlia from QVC on the day they each came out. You can't beat the price for a brand-new item! This time I have my eye on the Mandy but I'm just not sure I'm super crazy over any of the colors! I do plan to buy an ereader case though with a Vera credit online.