So I didn't give my self much time to make my Halloween costume. As soon as I decided to be a Vera Bradley purse, I called my Mom to see if she had time to do it. When she said she could I ran to Joann's on my lunch break to see what kind of material they had because I was going to be busy that night and the next night I had to take the material to my parent's house which is about 45 minutes away. My mom made the dress in about a day and I love the way it turned out. Here are some pictures that I took while I was at Joann's trying to decide what material I was going to use. I had less options than I thought that I would have.

I thought that maybe this one could have been Cupcakes Pink, but I really don't like that minty green and sorbet orange. Yuck.

Then I found the quilted fabric! There were only maybe 15 to pick from. This one could have been my version of Night & Day.

Then I found this one! It reminded me of Katherine and I knew I wasnt going to get a better match than this!

I had to find a pattern for my dress. I picked up an easy one since I didnt give my mom much time. While I was looking through the patterns I came across these. Dont they look like the Vera Bradley Hipster and Bowler?

I sort of like the top pattern with the pink, orange, and green...